Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

okay, so I have no idea if anyone has the same theory as me, but if you do...i guess our minds are on the same page:) anyway, i've come to the conclusion that rose quartz, after giving up her physical form to give birth to Steven, has moved on to another life, which is Lion. This may have been obvious to you, or maybe I'm just dumb and think I'm on to something when in reality, everyone knows way more than me about this show. However, to start of I think the most obvious reason I believe in this theory is because of the color of the Lion. LIke Rose, the lion is a very soft shade of pink. Also, Lion has the ability to open portals into what possibly could be the chamber that belonged to Rose? And if you can tell, the lion is actually very protective of Steven. I mean, doesn't that sound like a mother to you? And I know, I may not have the most proof in the world of my theory, but I try:) so yeah...
